With dry crackling leaves underfoot, and muddy spots perfect for tracking, this week get out, practice moving quietly through the landscape, and tune your senses to the animal world.
"Awaken people's curiosity. It is enough to open minds; do not overload them. Put there just a spark. If there is some good inflammable stuff, it will catch fire." -Anatole France
Monday, October 31, 2011
practice moving with stealth
With dry crackling leaves underfoot, and muddy spots perfect for tracking, this week get out, practice moving quietly through the landscape, and tune your senses to the animal world.
Friday, October 28, 2011
News from the Field & Forest
Heading out with the Dryden after-school program this week, we knew it would be a great day for a fire challenge! With the increased need for heat, the kids started cranking out coals with the friction kits. Soon we had a beautiful fire blazing, and we started coal-burning spoons, bowls, and cups.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Something fun to do this week
With camouflage and costumes on the mind this week, create your own wild face-paint!
We love making face-paint using charcoal, rocks, old brick or pottery fragments we find in the creek, and clay. Choose a “palette” stone, then grind and rub rocks on the stone. You may be amazed by the colors you’ll find hidden in different sedimentary rocks. Paint faces, arms, other rocks, or paper.
Be creative – what animal do you want to be? Afterward, practice your animal forms - fox-walk to a hiding spot, and use your deer-ears to find who's hiding from you.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
News from the Field & Forest
Monday, October 17, 2011
Oh, for a place to sit...
The sit-spot is an important naturalist routine that we try to layer in to as many of our programs as possible. As instructors, we try to practice it in our own lives. It provides an opportunity to be still and present in a spot in nature, to observe how it changes over time, and a chance to interact with the natural world in a very different way.
Usually, we talk about sitting long enough to reach “baseline,” which is the time when the forest tends to return to the state that it was in before you arrived and set off all those robin and chipmunk alarms. However, when introducing a sit-spot to a youth participant, we want to set the stage for a successful and fun experience.
One way to ease into a sit-spot for younger children is to use the time as a game. Start with them pretending to be a baby fawn that needs to hide quietly while the “coyote” sneaks by. If you, the adult, are the coyote, after you hear them settle into their hiding spot, let them hide for a solid 45 seconds before you prowl past. Next round, maybe you can let them hide even longer. Ask them if they saw or heard anything while they were hiding – you’ll be amazed at the bugs and treasures they find when crouched under a honeysuckle.
Invite them to make the spot special – tie a feather to a tree branch or plant. Ask them what was different about that tree today, or what direction the wind was blowing the feather? Maybe they would like to build a miniature shelter for the gnomes or mice that live around their spot.
Send them on “errands” to their spot – ask them to bring back 3 different leaves from their spot. Or leave a gift - let them hang a bird-feeder, or leave a pile of acorns or apples to see who visits their spot.
For older students, challenge them to stay longer. Maybe they can take a compass and mark the four directions with special items: rocks, feathers, or bones they’ve found. Let them take a craft that occupies their hands, such as cordage or weaving. For more advanced students, you may consider letting them tend their own fire – set a small ring of stones as a parameter for a small fire, so they need to tend it more often and carefully.
Most importantly, be excited with them. Celebrate their discoveries and ponder over their mysteries. The biggest hurdle to overcome is going regularly – encourage perseverance. Better yet – go to your own spot!
I can’t wait to hear the stories!
p.s. Hungry for more? You and your family can join us in taking the Sit-Spot challenge this month!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
News from the Field & Forest
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Bioluminescence all over
A couple weeks ago I had the delight of spending 4 days on an island off the coast of Maine with some old dear friends, and a whole passel of new ones. The crowd was mostly adults, people who care about the natural world, ready to embrace the chance to enjoy the wonders of creation on this wilderness vacation together.
Despite being surrounded by 9-foot tides, granite boulder cobbled beaches, harbor seals visible on far shores, and interesting birds on the water (who saw the guillemot?) – nothing created such a stir as the announcement Rose made around the campfire one night.
“Have you seen the bioluminescence?”
“You HAVE to go. Take my canoe – just go!”
Thus began the frenzy. In the span of 24 hours, nearly every guest had either paddled a canoe in pitch blackness or simply plunged into the 60-degree water to experience the wonder of it – glowing sparkles that moved with the currents, lighting like fireflies any time the water was disturbed. We were told that they were dinoflagellates, micro-organisms that show themselves during the months of August & September when the conditions are right. But that barely mattered – we were mesmerized and needed to share this phenomenon with everyone on the island.
As soon as each “convert” would leave the water, they would dash off to find someone – anyone- who perchance had not yet seen the magic and glory. “Have you seen the bioluminescence?” became the new greeting in our world of wonders.
This morning I had the delight of leading two groups of preschoolers in the woods for an hour. We sang songs, told a story, and built upon our “nest” shelter. But mostly we explored the woods around us. And, as my co-instructor stated – it was like bioluminescence all over the place.
Every single hole or burrow, red, orange, or green leaf was cause for exclamations and celebration. They would yell to their friends and teachers to share in their discovery and joy. Upon finding a fuzzy white caterpillar, one little girl would not let the group leave until every single person had experienced it. “We found a creature!” one little boy shouted.
Snail-pace crawling to examine a spider web, then lightening-speed dashes to be the first to climb on a stump – we scoured the small woods-plot. In the next moment, they were off again – approaching the world fully expecting to find amazing treasures all around.
After my time with these young ones, I returned to our program office to check emails and answer phone calls. As I kicked off my muddy shoes, I pondered – there was no need to feign enthusiasm or ask the children to share their excitement. Is it in our nature to wonder, and is it in our nature to need to share this wonder in order to fully experience it? What can we learn from these little ones?
Perhaps in our genes or in our cultural memory there exists some need to maintain this balance – each wonder shared before another can be absorbed. What if we lose our ability to experience wonder as we stifle our awe and amazement?
So perhaps community is a tool – a tool to draw you toward wonders and point out fuzzy creatures, but also a tool to extract the wonders from your hands, a container to hold it for you - freeing you to go dive in and find more.
Heidi Bardy lives with her partner in a yurt outside of Ithaca N.Y. and spends many days of the year in the forest getting dirty with children through her work with Primitive Pursuits.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Danby summer camps look to make local kids healthier and more ecologically aware
By Andrew Casler

In Danby, there are two environmental education summer programs for children: Primitive Pursuits and Earth Arts. These programs foster tangible connections with nature by teaching wilderness survival techniques, naturalist skills and imparting ecological knowledge.
Brian Fowler said that outdoor education is a way to keep his kids healthy within a world that offers many unhealthy influences – such as video games and television. His four children have attended Primitive Pursuits, and his 9-year-old son, Avery, will be attending summer camp in Danby.
Fowler said he appreciates having the summer camps offered in Danby, and that nature is an essential part to his children’s development. He also said that environmental education has helped his kids maintain interest in outdoor activities.
“So rather than devolving in front of the television they get outside,” Fowler said. “I like knowing that my kids are making friends with other local Danby kids in an environment that I consider to be healthy and beneficial.”
Primitive Pursuits Program Coordinator Heidi Bardy said outdoor time helps kids recognize their own connections to animals and people alike, “Whether they’re being taught a skill outside, or even if they’re just out there playing.”
Bardy sees a sense of empathy develop from outside time. She says this affective knowledge develops from caring for nature, “I think [empathy] is immediately transferable into how they relate to other humans beings, which is a piece that is missing from the indoor environment,” Bardy said.
Outdoor learning seems to be a symbiotic relationship. Children who learn outside tend to gain empathetic attitudes, and in return those kids can develop life-long connections to nature and act as stewards who may protect natural lands.
Danby itself is an ecologically important area. Jennings Pond is the site of a major divergence in water flow; one current can be traced north to Cayuga Lake and then eventually into the North Atlantic, and another can be traced south to the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. Danby is also a diverse natural area, with wetlands and cattail marshes, mixed forests, resurging unfarmed fields and the home of several sensitive plant species.
According to a 2010 study by The Outdoor Foundation titled, “Outdoor Recreation Participation Report,” outdoor recreation participation among 6 to 12-year olds has slipped since 2006. In 2009 only 62 percent of 6 to 12-year-old children reported participation in outdoor recreation. Conversely, the study found that people who identified as outdoor participants wished to protect undeveloped lands at a greater rate than non-participants.
Earth Arts Lead Mentor Julie Kulik said that connecting kids with nature is an excellent way to get students motivated to protect the environment. She sees her mentees developing into conscientious adults, “We hear through parents that kids will carry these lessons on in their adult lives.” Kulik said, “They carry on that connection to nature and then strive to save it.”
For more information please visit:
Monday, June 6, 2011
Primitive Pursuits Family Field Day
The field day offers free workshops for kids and adults that include hands-on activities in wilderness survival, outdoor living and nature awareness. The event is held rain or shine.
Again a big thank you to all of our sponsors and volunteers for helping us make Primitive Pursuits Day this year so phenomenal!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
10th Annual Primitive Pursuits Family Field Day

Thursday, March 3, 2011
A Winter Forest Playground Awaits Curious Young Explorers
Interning With Primitive Pursuits
Ever wanted to get a taste of what it’s like to work as an intern with a nature-based education organization? Step into my shoes and join the Primitive Pursuits team on this nonstop journey of learning.
The great benefit of this experience is that I instantly became an active participant…..a learner among the kids, a mentor to my peers and to the kids, a leader of program activities, and a contributor to an organization which encourages my input.
Would you love to work with kids in nature, but have never had the opportunity to learn about primitive technology and aidless survival? Have no fear! I was in the same boat when I first started interning with Primitive Pursuits. One of the best aspects of working here is that I am constantly in a state of active learning; I learn by doing. I then put these skills to use in other scenarios, thereby reinforcing them.
In addition to learning primitive skills, I feel that throughout my time here I have learned more life skills such as leadership, teamwork, community building, risk management, and self-awareness than I do in a typical classroom setting. I may be working at a program with other instructors out in the field one day, and the next day I may be in the office working at the computer. Either way, the skills I master will stay with me for the rest of my life because I am putting them to use by observing, doing, and teaching them.
Katie Power grew up in Newtown, Connecticut exploring the woods and creeks near her house. Now a student at Ithaca College studying Outdoor Adventure Leadership, she has continued her love for exploration, seeking out new adventures withinthe woods of Ithaca and surrounding areas.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Fire & Ice – day 1 (1/17/11)
Today was a day too cold for cameras. It was a day too cold for most electronics, and most people, for that matter. Beginning at 8:30 am somewhere around 0-2 degrees Fahrenheit, and soaring around noon to somewhere close to 20 – I didn’t even bother to bring a camera. So, I sadly have no photos from this day as evidence that it was not too cold for a group of 6 and 7-year olds at Primitive Pursuits. So, below I present to you a couple snapshots of our day.
We started around a huge fire, meeting each other, learning names, talking about the unique adventures and mysteries that a snowy winter day could provide. With snow as our inspiration, we did a tracking game, learning a little about animal foot-patterns and the number of toes that correspond with some of the mammal and bird families
My group (or clan as we sometimes call ourselves) consisted of 8 children, all roughly six or seven. Using only our arms, legs, hands, and heads as tools, we started piling the powdery, grainy snow into a pile. Our goal was to make a pile large enough to hold someone inside. After pushing together piles, the students mastered techniques such as the human bulldozer, and worked together to make the mound larger and larger. The instructors explained that in this cold, you can’t just pack snow and make a snowball. But if you leave a mound like this to set for a while, it will harden and you can then tunnel into it to create a snow shelter. Sure enough, at the end of the afternoon, it was firm enough that several of the students worked on burrowing into it to create an entrance.
As we walked through the woods, a couple kids showed particular interest in the tracks made in the snow. One boy had even brought his own tracking book. He would look up his best guesses, and ask me questions to guess at the measurements. I in turn would ask him questions to get him thinking of other possibilities. He was so excited about finding out who his animal neighbors were – and later when I pointed out another familiar set and asked, “Hey Perrin, who’s this one?” he was proud to be able to show the mouse trail to his clan-mates.
We decided it would be a fun experiment to try to build our camp fire on ice, since the day’s theme was called “Fire & Ice.” We explored a swampy area around the hemlock woods, and the kids settled on a spot that had cool patches of smooth black ice, and a nice hemlock tree with broken-off branches that was perfect for hanging our backpacks. Together we made small log benches to sit on up off the ice, and built our fire together, learning safe ways to add wood to the fire, how to respect fire, and how to choose dry firewood.
After lunch, we played a game where the kids were squirrels, seeking out their last winter food cache. However, the Great-Horned Owl in the woods was about, hungry from building up her nest and preparing to incubate her eggs. As the squirrels searched for their food, the Owl could either tag them, or be distracted if presented with a really nice “wispy,” - a thin, fine twig (perfect for starting a match fire, if collected in a bundle). This game led to lots of running, hiding, and chatter – and eventually to a cache of hot cocoa, which we cooked on our fire.
In the afternoon, we met up with the other clan to play an epic game – a favorite Primitive Pursuits tradition. This one involved building up two fires and then protecting them from the opposing team trying to throw snow at the fire.
Here is one last snapshot I want to leave with you - and it is also what I carry away from my day with the most joy. One Primitive Pursuits routine is to take some time each day to feel thankful. Today we closed our day to mittens clapping to our “thank you” song, where anyone is invited to say a word of what they are thankful for from the day. Our collected words of thanks were: snow, fire, ice, games, sticks, trees, hickory nuts - to name just a few. Usually once this song begins, it starts a gratitude avalanche, and we need to stop just because somewhere (just beyond the woods) there are parents ready to pick up their kids, and probably wondering if they survived the coldest day of the year.
So I close here with my last thank you – to all you parents for supporting us in the work that we do, for taking the time to pack extra socks and mittens (we used them!)and for giving us this great blessing of being out there with your children.